Faith Bible Baptist Church
Outreach Ministries
Prison Ministry
Since 1981, we have been ministering to the incarcerated at the various institutions within the Pittsburgh area. our hope has been to see the residents come to a saving relationship with the Lord Jesus Christ. We continue to hold forth the Word of life as the means to deliverance
Senior Visitation
For over 40 years we have faithfully visited the various senior care facilities throughout the Pittsburgh area carrying the message of hope and salvation to comfort those who are afflicted. "Cast me not off in the time of old age; forsake me not when my strength falleth." Psalm 71:9
Music Ministry
Special music/visual programs throughout the year:
"Behold the Lamb" - Easter service
"I Love America" - Tribute to the greatest nation on earth
"Tribute of Praise" - Tribute to the Lord of Lords
"What Child is This" - Journey to Bethlehem
Youth Detention Centers
George Jr. Republic
Shuman Juvenile Center
Veterans Ministry
We believe in honoring those who have defended this great country. We have established a weekly ministry to veterans at the local vets hospitals. We have provided Bible Study, worship service, one-on-one ministry, picnics, and special programs in hopes of engendering faith and salvation.
University of Pittsburgh
Campus life can be challenging in so many ways. Students are confronted with many pressures academically, socially and spiritually. We maintain a presence on the campus at the University of Pittsburgh where we seek to reach the students and staff with the Gospel of Jesus Christ